How to Move PayWindow to a new Computer
In addition to starting over on a computer where you reformatted the hard drive, these instructions are also for moving from an old computer to a new computer.
The process that we suggest to make sure that you have the latest and do not damage your data is to do the following:
1. Download the latest version of PayWindow from our download page at If you are new to downloading and installing, watch this video at
2. Install it by double clicking the file you downloaded or when Downloading, select the "Run" option.
3. After installation, enter the registration name and code so the program will not stop after 30 days. This is on your original receipt. If you do not have that, send an email to asking for them to re-send it. Be sure to supply your name and company name to assist them in finding your record.
4. If moving from one computer to another, make a backup first on the old computer as shown in this Tutorial:
If you created and local tax records, you will need to copy them from the location on the old computer to the new computer. The location is shown when you start PayWindow as seen in the yellow highlighted area in this screen shot:

Open that folder with the file explorer and copy the two files named to a removable drive:
Then after installing PayWindow on the new computer, copy the two files to the new PayWindow tax files folder.
Then Run PayWindow on the new computer, insert your backup disk and click File and Restore. Follow the instructions on-screen and locate your most recent backup file on that backup disk and restore it to the "My Documents" folder (select the "My Documents" radio button to select that folder for restoring.) The tutorial titled as "How to Restore Data Files in PayWindow" found at this link: will also help you in this area.
NOTE: Never place your company database in the "Program Files" folder or any sub-folder of the Program Files folder.
5. Click "File" and then select "Open Company" and locate your company file in the "My Documents\PayWindow Data Files" folder, select and open it.
6. That's it, you are done.
Paul Mayer
ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc.