Where do I change FUTA, SUTA and SDI Rates?
Where do I change FUTA, SUTA and SDI Rates?
In the past, we had you change the rates in the State Tax records but with Tax Updates, you were always required to remember to make the changes. Now we prefer that you use the Company Settings under SUTA Rate / SDI Override.
In PayWindow Select Payroll from the menu and then select Company. Select the Tab that is titled Suta Rate / SDI Override.
We've put numbers next to the controls in the image below to explain what each does.
1. Check this to override the SUTA rate with the percentage that you will enter in the next step.
2. Enter your Companies SUTA rate. All percentages are entered as a percent and not a calculator figure such as .001 which you move the decimal point two places to become 0.1%. (See the Image below)
3. This checkbox is only used if your state has a SDI or W/C or in California, the California Training Tax. See our older instructions below if your designation is W/C and not SDI. But if you have an SDI, W/C or Training Tax, check this box.
4. Enter the rate of your Employee's SDI rate in this box.
5. Enter the Employer's SDI rate in this box. Or in California, enter the California Training Tax rate.
6. If you are in Washington state, the Workman's Comp is calculated by hours. If that is the case, you would check this box and enter the cents per hour to use. An example is $0.626.
7. The rest of the states would check this box which should have been the default.
8. Click the Save and Close button.

For Historical Purposes, we have left the old instructions below for making the changes in the tax tables...
First Click Tools and Federal Tax Table... and change the FUTA rate where is says Federal Unemployment Percent:

Click Save and Close to save the changes.
Next click Tools and State Tax Table... and select your state tax record.
The SUTA Wage Limit and Percent is entered on the line that says Limit of Unemployment and Rate. All percentages are entered as a percent and not a calculator figure such as .001 which you move the decimal point two places to become 0.1%. (See the first Image below)
Most states do not have SDI or Workman's Comp tax but if you do, be sure the Is there SDI Tax is checked like the California example. (See the first Image below)
Read more on SDI below this next image.

The SDI also may be called Workman's Comp is entered at the bottom of the State II tab as shown below. As you can see, it can handle Employee and Employer rates and limits. If there is no limit, just enter 100,000,000 as the cut-off. Note: The following screen shot shows what you would see if you are in California and displays as SDI and Training Tax, other states will read different depending on the state that may or may not have a training tax, a State Disability Tax (SDI) or a Workman's Comp tax (W/C).

Click Save and Close to save your changes.
You can also override the rates in the Company Setup as this is what you would do if you have multiple company files. Use the SUTA Rate/ SDI Override tab which looks like this:

If in California see this screen for the overrride:
Paul Mayer
ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc.