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Thread: 1098 individual to individual

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Default 1098 individual to individual

    Think I'm getting the hang of this program. Not all aspects work the same way as PayWindow, so what's intuitive isn't always intuitive if you get my babbling.

    So I'm entering for a 1098 from and individual to an individual... all SS #s, no EIN #s. but when I set up the Company (person issuing the 109 the EIN field is bold and has an asterisk, indicating that maybe that field is required?? Now there is an SSN field immediately to the right, which I have entered, leaving the EIN field blank as there isn't one. But no TIN of any type shows up on either the 1098 or the 1096.

    I don't believe an EIN is required in this case is it? Is there a way to force FW to use the SSN it let me enter on the Company screen?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    We had another person with the same problem and he had to enter the SSN in the EIN entry. There are no duplicate EIN and SSN's so it worked.

    My comment with Identity theft being so high now days, would you feel safe giving someone that you paid your social security number on a 1099 Form? Me neither.

    Because of my security clearance for my government work, their database was hacked and Uncle Sam has been paying a service to watch for any use of my SSN for years now.
    Paul Mayer
    ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    I hear what you're saying about identity theft. I guess it's a sign of my thickheadedness that I don't worry too much about it. I've been doing taxes since long before there were PTINs, so my SS is out there. I've been buying things online since back when most of the internet was still known as FidoNet (Net268 Admin here!). And the reality is that so many big databases get breached so often now, and we usually don't hear about it for months, if not years. I'm careful... ish. I'm sure that would make most folks crazy, and now that I've said it out loud, someone probably just stole my house! My standing identity joke is "I'm not worried someone will steal my identity, I'm worried they'll try to give it back."

    That being said, I'll put the SSN in the EIN field. Paul said so.

    The timeout for logging users off the forum could be a tad longer. Some of us are slow typers.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    The developer received an email back from the IRS and they said it will be good too.
    Paul Mayer
    ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc.

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