New in TimeBillingWindow 2.0.24:

Database > Options > General: "Larger sized ribbon" and "Play sound when active" don't seem to work, this is fixed.
Database > Customers > used "Paste Customer Data from Clipboard" and did not press "Apply".... clicking into the edit boxes returns the value of that edit box to the value before using paste (this also happens with "Paste Company Data...." in Database > Company)
Database > Finder: can't tab into "Directories deep" checkbox
Database > Options > Column Widths: issue with tab order
Database > Options > General: "Minimize Application on Startup" checkbox disables after opening the program again
Database > Reports > Total Times Listing Report: date-time fixed.
Database error (Invalid value for field...):
Insert Date button: value = "00/00/0000 00:00:00 PM" gives error
Periods > End Time: value = "2/31/2000" (no error for Start Time)
Projects > Progress %: value = "99999999999" gives error. This is fixed.
TimeBilling > Periods > End Time with value = "2/31/2000" is fixed.