Oregon Statewide Transit Tax
"Starting July 1, 2018, you'll see a new item on your paystub: the statewide transit tax. The tax is one-tenth of one percent—or $1 per $1,000—and your employer withholds it from your wages. Please note, those exempt from income tax withholding, aren't exempt from withholding for this tax. Visit the Oregon Department of Transportation's website for information about the projects this tax will support: www.oregon.gov/odot. For more information on the tax, go to the Department of Revenue's website at www.oregon.gov/dor."
Use a Miscellaneous Deduction to set this up.
In the Company Settings, open the Deductions Tab. Create a Deduction like shown below in Deduction 6. Note we abbreviated it so it displays in all printed and screen displays to be "OR Transit Tax" Also note that we checked the "% of Gross" box. Click Save and Close.
Then after saving the above, go into each employee record in edit mode and open the Deductions / Taxes Tab and in the new OR Transit Tx deduction enter .1 for .1% as seen below and click Save and Close.