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Thread: paid preparer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Default paid preparer

    On Form 941, is there any way, other than over-writing the PDF, to have the "paid preparer" information print? I have a small payroll prep business (about 12 company's) and it is a pain to type in this info everytime.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    Yes there is a way. Right Click on the PayWindow Desktop Icon and then select "Open file location" from the pop up menu. Then open the sub folder "Report" and locate the file: f941_2015.pdf

    Open that file in Adobe and enter the data you want to save and save the form. You may need to save it to your Desktop and then copy it to that folder.

    Also that form is replaced each time PayWindow is updated so save your new copy so you can replace it after each update. In March, the new 2016 form will be installed and you will need to do the same thing again with the new file which will be named f941_2016.pdf.
    Paul Mayer
    ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    I tried this.....Adobe would not let me save. Gave message "data typed into this form cannot be saved".?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    See if uninstalling Adobe Acrobat and then reinstalling it from their website fixes the problem. That sounds like an Adobe problem.
    Paul Mayer
    ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc.

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