Just Updated and PayWindow is in Trial Mode, Why?
It is most likely that we released the new year's program which is required to use for the end of year reporting. Every year on December 1st, we release the new year's program. This is because the IRS does not release the end of year forms until the last months of the year and in some cases not until January so this gives our users a smooth transition into the new year.
Also for those that are closing down their company at the end of the year and are not going to use PayWindow in the coming year, you can still use the new release for 30 days to print the end of year reports and finish the year by just clicking the "OK [Enter]" button.
If you were surprised by this, it is because you did not read the update checker's information which looked like the screen below. Please notice the yellow highlighted area.
Here is a link to the Purchase instructions for the Annual Upgrade:
Paul Mayer
ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc.