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Thread: custom reports wrong suta rate

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default custom reports wrong suta rate

    I am having a problem when I try to find the amount of Suta for each pay so I can enter it in my QB payroll. I can get the correct amount in employer totals reports. but the individual cost per employee totals in custom reports stays at the original state SUTA Rate amount and does not adjust to the changes in company file . For example instead of 2.7% for Fl Ours is 1.2% and though my totals in some reports show the weekly and monthly quarterly totals I cannot get custom reports to give me the correct amounts. I usually pull a custom report for Employer totals per each paycheck so I can enter it into QB at the same time I put in the payroll.
    I do a custom report that shows
    employee name
    gross wages
    fit withheld
    fica withheld
    medicaid withheld
    futa witheld
    suta withheld
    The Suta rate always stays at the state regular and will not change?? Is there a way I can fix this. I tried doing a company backup and reinstalling paywindow this did not help?? any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002


    Hopefully you've entered your SUTA rate in the Company Override as shown in this FAQ:

    And as the warning says on the Custom Reports, they are ONLY to be used for simple lists, not to be used for any accounting needs, we have reports for that in the Report Center.

    The Report that you want is one of two that MUST be printed and save for seven years in case of any future audits. It is the Employer Totals report under the Period section of the Report Center. That report has all of your tax liabilities for the pay period, MTD, QTD and YTD. The other report you should print is also in that are and is the Normal 80 report which gives the same information for the employees.
    Paul Mayer
    ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc.

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