How to Setup a Child Support Deduction.

In the Company settings, create a deduction called Child Support as shown below in our example. All you need to enter is the name of the deduction like we did in Deduction 6 below:

Then click Save and Close to save it.

On payday, when paying the employee, you will enter the deduction. In most cases, Child Support is a percentage of the Net Pay and we will show you what to do. First if the employee is hourly, enter the hours, salaried generally has that in place, but enter all pay info first and click the Pay button to calculate the Net Pay as shown below:

Make note of the Net pay and multiply it by the percentage that you need to deduct. In our example, this person's net is $681.42 and we will use 20% in our example which makes the deduction $136.28. Enter that amount as shown below:

Then DO NOT click the Pay Button a second time, but press the Tab Key on your keyboard to Recalculate the Net Pay taking out that deduction from the Net. It would look like this:

Then simply click the Save and Close button. Just remember to never click the Pay button after entering the deduction and pressing the Tab key.