If you are having any problems with the backups in PayWindow, be sure that if you are using a ZIP file utility such as ZipMagic that makes ZIP file look like folders, that you disable the utility first. ZipMagic and a few others try to take control of any operations on ZIP files and don't like to let other ZIP applications do what they want to do. PayWindow uses ZIP technology to compress the backup files into a smaller archive making storage easier. So if you have ZipMagic installed, disable it while backing up or working with our backup files.

One other problem is attempting to backup to a CD. Windows will not allow us to create ZIP files on a CD. PayWindow can backup to removable 3.5 size disks, USB port thumb drives and to your hard drive. If you want to backup to a CD you will have to backup to your hard drive and then using Windows, copy the result ZIP drive to the CD.