How can I do a complete 100% uninstall of pay window so I can do a Fresh install ?
Pay window is deducting $20.43 less on all employee's regardless of gross pay amount. I want to try a fresh...
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How can I do a complete 100% uninstall of pay window so I can do a Fresh install ?
Pay window is deducting $20.43 less on all employee's regardless of gross pay amount. I want to try a fresh...
We have been using pay window for years no issue's. I installed the 2/4 update and noticed that the FICA deduction for all employee's is $20.43 lower regardless of pay rate or gross pay....
I am using pay window 13.0.2 to do payroll for 2 company's.
Both company's have one employee, both employee's are paid the same.
Both employee's have the same withholding and same...