View Full Version : How do I Print my W2 Forms?

Paul Mayer
01-04-2006, 03:39 PM
PayWindow is date sensitive so if you are printing the W2 Forms and have NOT yet run the end of year routine, set PayWindow to the last day of the year you are REPORTING on, December 31, (reporting year).

If you already ran the end of the year and you've performed a payroll for the new year. Make sure that you've made a backup of the current payroll and restore the last backup of the last year. After doing the following, restore the current payroll to continue with the new year.

You will also have to enter the FICA cut off in the Federal Tax record for the year that you are printing if the employees exceeded the wage limit. Don't forget to change that back when you are done printing the W2 Forms.

See this page in the help file for changing the cut off values:


Have your forms ready to insert into the printer. We will use the standard 2-up forms in this example. The Forms come in sets for Federal, State, Employee Copy, etc. Load the printer with the red set first. Open the Report Center in PayWindow and select Yearly Reports. Make sure that Laser 2-Up is selected and click the Print button. Repeat this process for each set of the black forms and collate your forms after done printing. To purchase the forms, click "Help" and then select "Ordering Forms" in PayWindow. You will find an 800 number to call and the part numbers for the W2 Forms on that page.

You should check the printer alignment as all printers are not alike. Print a test on plain paper and hold the test and form together against a window so the light shines through and you can see the alignment. You may need to change the settings in the W2 Form print setup Dialog. You can adjust the left margin and the top margin. As an example, to move to the right enter a starting number like 20 in the left adjustment for the form type you are using and test again and then adjust your numbers to get it where you want it. Note that the Top Adjustments line are for the 2-Up W2 Forms and the other lines are marked for 3-up, 4-up and the W3.

Note that these forms can be ordered by clicking Help and Ordering Forms in PayWindow. The 2-Up forms have two employees on a page NOT one employee on a page as some users have asked in the past. If it is overprinting both employees on the top half of the form, you lost the settings for the distance between forms. Use the "Restore Default" button to restore the defaults settings.

NOTE: If you have a printer such as the Hewlett Packard Photo Smart 1000. When you ask to print the document a printer window comes up to allow you to change settings, add copies, etc. be sure to change the "page scaling" setting from "fit to page" to "none".