View Full Version : Download is a Trojan or Malware?

Paul Mayer
12-16-2021, 05:48 PM
At the end of November, the code signing certificate used for PayWindow expired and AVG antivirus flagged our PayWindow download as Malware. Unfortunately, they shared this false flag with other antivirus companies. Even though we renewed our code signing certificate within days of the expiration, the damage was done.

What our users are seeing as a result of this problem:

I am getting messages from my antivirus that the download is a Trojan or Malware.
We cannot locate your tax tables.
I follow the instructions but cannot complete the registration to unlock PayWindow.

The Solution to fix this problem: Disable your antivirus and download and install PayWindow again. Then add it to the “white list” to your antivirus program. You may want to call your antivirus software company for assistance and while talking with them ask then for a permanent solution to not flag PayWindow as well.